You are here: 2. General Ledger > 2.4. GL TRANSACTIONS Menu: Posting Transactions > 2.4.4. GL Transactions - Bank Reconciliation > Selecting and Presenting Transactions > Presenting Individual Transactions
Presenting Individual Transactions



If you want to record the date on which a transaction was presented, refer to "Presenting Transactions by Date" instead.

To present and unpresent individual transactions:

  1. Display the Bank Reconciliation screen for the bank account you want to reconcile.

Refer to "Selecting the Bank Account to Reconcile".

  1. Use the arrow keys or the mouse to scroll through the transactions displayed.
  2. Select an unpresented (red) transaction and either:

For simple transactions, Micronet marks the transaction as Presented and displays it in green. The Statement Balance changes to reflect the amount presented.

For consolidated entries (those marked with an asterisk), see step 5 below.


Technical Tip

Consolidated entries contain multiple transactions. To turn consolidation on or off, refer to "Bank Reconciliation - Edit - Enable Consolidating".

  1. Optionally, if you want to unpresent a transaction that was presented by mistake, select a presented (green) transaction and either:

For simple transactions, Micronet marks the transaction as Unpresented and displays it in red. The Statement Balance changes to reflect the amount unpresented

For consolidated entries (those marked with an asterisk), see step 5 below.


Best Practice

If you have finished presenting transactions, check that the Statement Balance equals the closing balance on your bank statement.

  1. For consolidated entries:

  1. To present an individual transaction in the consolidated entry, select an unpresented (red) transaction and either:
  1. To unpresent an individual transaction in the consolidated entry, select a presented (green) transaction and either:
  1. To present all transactions in the consolidated entry, select the Present All button.
  2. To unpresent all transactions in the consolidated entry, select the UnPresent All button.
  3. If you want to record a date presented against a transaction, select the transaction then select the Date button.

Micronet displays the Present Consolidated Entry screen showing the transaction amount.

  1. In the Date Presented field, enter or select the date the transaction was presented then select the Ok button.

Micronet redisplays the Expanded Cheque screen.

  1. When you have finished presenting individual transactions in the consolidated entry, select the Ok button.

Micronet redisplays the Bank Reconciliation screen.